Black Section Separator

Aloe Vera Aloe gel cools, reduces swelling, relieves burns, and speeds up skin healing.

Black Section Separator

Jade Plant The jade plant brings financial luck. It also cleans indoor air and needs little water.

Black Section Separator

Snake Plant The jade plant brings financial luck. It also cleans indoor air and needs little water.

Black Section Separator

Echeveria With colorful, fleshy rosettes, Echeverias thrive with minimal care.

Black Section Separator

Donkey's Tail This plant's long, trailing stems have a soothing waterfall effect. Ideal for reducing stress.

Black Section Separator

Agave Agave extracts have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties for healing skin issues.

Black Section Separator

Portulaca Portulaca thrives under direct sun. Its omega-3-rich leaves offer skin and health benefits.

Black Section Separator

Haworthia Translucent leaves glow as they conduct light. and this good for skin care.

Black Section Separator

Kalanchoe With fiery blooms and easy care needs, Kalanchoe brings happy color inside.